Calibrite ColorChecker Passport Photo 2

Tuotetunnus (SKU): CALB503

150,80 alv 0 %

Ei varastossa, vain jälkitoimituksena


  • Kompaktin kokoinen väritargetti stillikuvaamiseen
  • Oleellinen työkalu, kun työskennellään muuttuvissa valaistuksissa


Neljä väritargettia kulkevat kovassa suojakotelossa kuvauksesta toiseen. Mukana oma itsenäinen profiilinluontiohjelma, jolla voit luoda DNG tai ICC profiilit käytettäväksi Lightroomin tai Capture Onen kanssa.

ColorChecker Passport Photo 2 includes:

Grey Balance Target
Set exposure with an in-camera or handheld meter.
White Balance Target
Create custom in-camera white balance for a consistent white point across a set of images, with no need to correct each image later.

Classic Target

Industry standard 24-patch colour reference target for creating custom camera profiles and for visual colour assessments.
Creative Enhancement Target
Neutralise and create your look with enhancement patches.
Check and evaluate shadow details and highlight clipping.
Control colour shifts.
Camera Calibration Software
Create custom camera profiles based on your individual camera/lens/lighting combinations for both DNG and ICC workflows.
Lightroom® Plug-In

Create custom camera profiles directly in Adobe® Lightroom®.

Portable Protective Case

Adjusts to accommodate multiple positions so that you can easily incorporate the target(s) into any scene. Also, it includes a handy lanyard so that your Passport is always close by.

3rd Party Software Support

Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Lightroom via free plugin
Hasselblad Phocus
Black Magic DaVinci Resolve
3D LUT Creator
DxO Photolab 4
ColorChecker Passport Photo 2 is an indispensable tool that helps you to capture the colours of the world more perfectly and ensures that from capture to edit, you are beginning with the most accurate image possible.

The art of colour management is all about getting your colours to match from input to output. That means your camera captures true colours, your monitor displays them accurately, and your printer produces a photo that matches what you see on screen.

ColorChecker Passport Photo 2 is an essential component for your colour-managed workflow. It includes 4 targets giving you everything you need for exposure control, white balance, camera profiling and creative enhancements wherever your creativity leads you.

Grey Balance Target

18% grey is the industry standard reference used to produce consistent image exposure and/or colour in film and photography. Use it with a reflective light meter or your in-camera meter to check lighting ratios and light distribution. Plus, it can be used to neutral balance and remove colour casts.

Set proper camera exposure
Check lighting ratios; important for portrait photography
Alternate choice for custom neutral balancing of your camera
White Balance Target

Starting with an accurate white balance ensures that the colours you capture are true and provides a point of reference for post-shoot editing. This target is created to exacting standards to be spectrally neutral and reflect light equally across the visible spectrum. This provides a neutral reference point to accurately compensate for different lighting conditions.

Eliminate colour casts
Improve the colour preview on camera display
Speed up post-production eliminate the need to neutralise each image separately

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