Maija Tammi – Leftover/Removals

Tuotetunnus (SKU): ISBN 978-3-86828-522-2

70,00 alv 0 %


Myymälässä: Toimitettavissa heti.

128 sivua
Kieli: Englanti
ISBN 978-3-86828-522-2


LEFTOVER (2014) Framed pigment prints and a sculpture. Photographs and a sculpture of used radiotherapy masks collected from hospitals scrutinize the fear of sickness both defined and undefined. The masks hold traces of the people who wore them. The series begins with realism and ends in dystopia.

REMOVALS (2011-2013) It is always someone elses disease. We project our fear of illness, fear of our own dissolution to the world and locate it in the Other. But remove the Other. Removals shows some of the most common diseases a few minutes after the surgical operations, captured in the corners of operating rooms, at two hospitals in Finland. In the book Leftover/Removals the photographs are accompanied with a discussion of three surgeons looking at the photographs while eating doughnuts.

Design by Ville Tietäväinen
Kustantaja Lehrer Verlag Studiovarustamosta myytävä erikoiserä sisältää magneettilukon.

Juttu kirjan kuvista Helsingin Sanomien Nyt-liitteessä.

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