TILTA 4×5,65 Stackable Filter Tray Holder for Tilta Mirage

Tuotetunnus (SKU): 60005907

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Tilta 4 x 5,65 pinottavan suodinpidikkeen kiinnityskehikko. Tämän avulla osat kiinnittyvät Tilta Mirageen.


TILTA 4×5,65 Stackable Filter Tracy Holder for Tilta Mirage

  • Custom designed for the Tilta Mirage Matte Box
  • Filter slot Allows you to Mount an Additional 4×5.65 Filter
  • Stackable design Allows you to Secure Additional Filters Trays
  • Compatible with any 4×5.65 Rectangular Filter
  • Lightweight an Durable, Aluminum and Stainless Steel Construction

This Stackable Filter Tray Holder replaces the Rubber Hood on the Tilta Mirage Matte Box and allows you to secure a 4×5.65 Stackable Filter Tray (not included) in front of your lens.

This Filter Tray Holder can be used in conjunction with multiple 4×5.65 Stackable Filter Trays which makes it possible to mount as many 4×5.65 filters as needed.


NOTE: This cannot be used with the Rubber Hood

Technical Data
Dimensions: 9.5 x 6.5 x 3.5 inches
Weight: 0.49 lbs
Materials: Aluminum alloy, stainless steel
Color: Black

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